Your online discount wallpaper source for Orange, California.... Always open online and ready for you to shop and select your next wallpaper design. Always free shipping for our Orange wallpaper customers. Over 30 years of featuring discount wallpaper prices with free shipping. Shop with a store who has earned the coveted A+ BBB Rating for over 30 years.
Orange and surrounding area customers shop for discount wallpaper here online from Total Wallcovering…. We have been providing discount wallpaper, wall murals, discount wall borders and peel and stick for our Orange customers for over 30 years. Shop online and have your order delivered “free freight” directly to your home or office. Yes, enjoy discount wallpaper prices with fast free freight from the comfort of your own home.
Here at Total Wallcovering, you will find our site laid out and organized in a well thought out way to save you time while making your wallpaper shopping a timesaving and pleasant experience. If you are shopping for a specific color, as many customers do, we make that task easy to sort our thousands of patterns by color. Say, for example, if you are shopping for Blue wallpaper a search on blue will show you all our patterns in blue which will include country wallpaper, contemporary wallpaper, stripe wallpaper damask wallpaper or many others, all in your color choice.
We carry all the major wallpaper brands like Carey Lind, Brewster Wallpaper, Patton Wallpaper, Chesapeake Wallpaper, York wallcovering and Thibaut Wallpaper. We feature the complete collection of Thibaut Wallpaper at discount prices. and available to be shopped by color. Then, if you wish, you can sort from low price to higher price. We like to say that we are designed to save you time and priced to save you money. We have all the older “stand-bys” plus the very latest in color trends and designs. Shop with confidence from a store maintaining a Better Business Bureau Rating of A+ for over 30 years.