How to Remove Old Wallpaper

If your walls were smooth and properly prepped before the wallpaper was applied, it should easily peel off in long, whole sheets. There will be very little scraping involved.
This is the best-case scenario. People tend to skip steps when they’re applying wallpaper, even if they know better. They don’t think about potential problems down the line. If the walls weren’t prepped correctly before your current wallpaper was applied, then it’s time to roll up your sleeves, because you have your work cut out for you. You need to start with the preparation.
What Materials will you Need?

- Wallpaper Scoring Tool
- DIF Liquid Concentrate Wallpaper Stripper or equivalent
- Spray Bottle
- Bucket
- Metal Putty Knife
- Stiff-Chisel Scrapper
- Sponge Mop
- Towels or Rags