Azulejo by Galerie Wallcovering
Azulejo by Galerie Wallcovering, has customizable option for those looking to add depth and style to their wallpaper. Azulejo is a collection of wallcoverings that are designed to mimic the look of various natural materials, such as, Faux Grasscloth. These wallcovering offer a wide range of realistic textures and versatile surfaces that can be used alone or combined to create a unique and visually appealing decor. This wallpaper collection offers Faux Grasscloth, Traditional Wallpaper, Damask Wallpaper and Victorian style Wallpaper like, Lisboa Wallpaper, Poro Wallpaper, Faro Wallpaper and Sintra Wallpaper. With its natural beauty, you can take any wallpaper project from concept to completion!
Patterns from this collection have an approximate two week leadtime from date of order to be received and cannot be cancelled once ordered and are not refundable or returnable.